Our Services

Our Range of Services

With our extensive experience and expert knowledge we are able to cater for all your accounting, tax and business needs.

Our Services

Tax Planning & Compliance

Tax planning is to help guarantee tax efficiency of a financial situation through reduction in tax liability. Substantial tax savings can be achieved through HMRC approved tax regulations and correct implementation of such tax strategies.

Our core services are as follows:

  • Income tax planning

  • Capital gains tax planning

  • VAT planning

  • SDLT advice

  • Self-Assessment/Income Tax Return (SA100)

  • Partnership / LLP Return (SA400)

  • Corporation Tax Return (CT600)

  • Non-UK Resident Landlords

  • Non-Dom Residence

Our Services

Accounting Services

Our accounting package is designed to cater for all businesses. We have the advanced accounting tools and software to enable our clients to get the most up to date data at the palm of their hands. Digital accounting solutions not only deliver improved and accurate results but also provide assurance to our clients that they are receiving a premium value for money. Our accounting package includes (but not limited to) the following:

  • Accounting software

  • Statutory annual accounts

  • LLP / Partnership accounts

  • Bookkeeping service

  • Contractors service

  • Payroll service & pension

  • Company secretarial

Our Services

Business Consultancy

Our bespoke business services enable our clients to make the most of financial and portability modelling tools to enhance their business and increase revenues. Our benchmarking tools can help clients to compare their performance against market leaders and highlight the potential areas of improvement. Our business package includes (but not limited to) the following:

  • Forecasting

  • Cashflow statements

  • Business health check

  • Business valuations

  • Management accounting

  • Performance evaluation

  • Strategic planning

Our Services

Inheritance Tax & Assets Protection

Inheritance tax (IHT) of 40% is applied on a personal estate worth over £325k. An estate will consist of the following: property, money and possessions (cars/jewellery/shares/stocks etc). There are areas of relief and exemptions for inheritance tax which our specialist advisors can assist you with.

We specialise in providing an all round tax planning structure to pass wealth from one generation to the next without incurring substantial tax charges whilst retaining control of the assets.

Some of the planning tools used are:

  • Family Investment Companies (FIC’s)

  • Group Structures

  • Incorporations

  • Trusts

  • Partnerships / LLPs

Our Services

Tax Investigations

From time to time HMRC can begin tax investigations; there are numerous reasons as to why this can take place. HMRC conduct investigations as a means of checking whether a person has paid the correct amount of tax and declared all their income. The investigation conducted by HMRC will include (but not limited to) the following:

  • Compliance Check

  • Fraud Investigations

  • VAT Investigation

  • Let Property Campaign

  • Criminal Tax Investigation

  • Un-declared / Under-declared Income

With our tax specialist service, we can provide you with tax investigation advice and consultancy when you need it most. We will represent you at HMRC meetings and at First Tier and Upper Tax Tribunal as and when required. We aim to get the best result for our clients so it is really important that you come to us as soon as you have received a letter from HMRC. We are always encouraging clients to come forward and get their tax affairs up to date.