Value Added Tax – VAT

VAT Services

Navigating Value Added Tax (VAT) regulations can be complex and time-consuming. At Bold Rose Accountants, we offer comprehensive VAT services designed to help businesses of all sizes comply with HMRC regulations, optimize VAT processes, and minimize tax liabilities.

Our Services Include

VAT Registration

We assist businesses with VAT registration, helping you determine whether registration is required based on your turnover and business activities. If registration is necessary, we guide you through the registration process, ensuring compliance with HMRC requirements.

Our Services Include

VAT Compliance

Our team ensures that your business remains compliant with VAT regulations by managing all aspects of VAT compliance, including filing VAT returns and complying with Making Tax Digital (MTD) requirements.

Our Services Include

VAT Planning and Advice

We provide strategic VAT planning and advice to help you optimise your VAT position, minimise tax liabilities, and take advantage of available VAT schemes and reliefs. Whether you’re considering voluntary registration or VAT group registration, or need advice on complex VAT issues, we’re here to help.

Our Services Include

VAT Reviews and Health Checks

We conduct thorough VAT reviews and health checks to assess the accuracy and completeness of your VAT records and processes. Our goal is to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement and provide practical recommendations to enhance compliance and efficiency.

Our Services Include

VAT Refund Claims

We assist businesses in reclaiming VAT incurred on eligible expenses, such as business travel, imports, and capital investments. Our experts ensure that VAT refund claims are prepared accurately and submitted promptly, maximizing your VAT recovery.

Our Services Include

VAT Appeals and Disputes

In the event of VAT disputes or HMRC investigations, we provide expert representation and support to help resolve issues efficiently and minimize potential penalties or liabilities.